Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's always something...

I've just spent WAY too much time finding out that if you go to the URL of my blog from 2003, you see nothing BUT blogger/blogspot still has the details. There are a couple of half-assed ways to look at it with its dates and times buggered up.

I wound up cutting & pasting it way too many time to create a simple text file in TextPad that I could save on my computer. In spite of seeming promises to migrate my blog from their old system to their new, I found no such capability anywhere.

Am I doomed to forever blog about user abuse from web services sites? Absolutely not! But even that is better than just experiencing it without venting. Or so it says here...

It is to be hoped that my next entries will be more interesting. If you'd like to see my old blog, just ask and I'll email it to you. It actually mentions JD and MG by initials. :)

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